Guerrisol La Chapelle

Guerrisol La Chapelle
Credit cards accepted French

Infos pratiques :
Address:  45 Boulevard de la Chapelle - 75018

Stations :  Gare du Nord

Opening hours From Monday to Saturday from 10am to 7.30pm.
Phone number:  +33 (0) 149 959 386

Available for  Men, Women, Kids
What's in there:  Clothes, shoes and accessories at unbeatable prices.

We like:  Find the special thing for only 2€, make a stock of funny clothes for a dressing party, buy a jean to customize it.
Disadvantages:  leave empty-handed (This happens quite often).

©The Vintedge

Guerrisol, it's a bit the hard discount of frip: hard to do it cheaper. It's got everything and this is where you will find the best deals.

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