(There are 23 boutiques)

A l'Occaz Quoi de 9 (75017)

This consignment shop of rue Legendre is very well known among locals for good deals and quality.
Arsouilles et Compagnie Dépôt Vente (75017)

Arsouilles et Compagnie is a consignment shop specialized in fashion for children , and it' s very popular among moms and dads...
Atelier Nordik (94100)

Chez Maman  (75002)

Chez Maman is a tiny Parisian boutique specialized in retro and vintage watches and modern watches with an offbeat look! Don't...
Culotte (75004)

This small shop run by two Japanese , Minako Ito and Yasuyuki Nakazono , is not really a second hand store , but we...
De l'autre côté de la butte (75018)

In this shop , there is a collection of disparate objects , of all styles and all ages: phone from the 50s, lamp from the 80s, a...
Emmaüs Défi (Riquet) (75019)

Emmaus is a charity founded in 1949 in France to combat poverty and homelessness by priest Abbe Pierre before spreading around the world... it...
En selle Marcel (75002)

En Selle Marcel , is THE specialist of beautiful city bikes in Paris. The shop sells new and vintage bikes, always stylish and beautifully...
Francine Dentelles (Marais) (75004)

Francine Dentelles is a well known shop for the  lovers of lace , silk satin and well crafted , beautiful linens , and...
Francine Dentelles (Vernaison) (93400)

Installed in Clignancourt flea market where it holds two stands , Fancine Dentelles ' owner   also runs a shop in the Marais...

The Vintedge est le premier