Search "Divers"

14 results have been found.

Emmaüs Défi (Riquet) (75019)

Emmaus is a charity founded in 1949 in France to combat poverty and homelessness by priest Abbe Pierre before spreading around the world... it...
Au fil du coeur (75014)

Au fil du coeur is a consignment shop hidden in a small street of the 14e district. You can find here a large choice of clothes and accessories...
Chez Maman  (75002)

Chez Maman is a tiny Parisian boutique specialized in retro and vintage watches and modern watches with an offbeat look! Don't...
Matières à Reflexion (75003)

Matières à Réflexion has made its name around its bags made from vintage leather jackets associated with the new leather ....
Come On Eileen (75011)

Come on Eileen  selects   beautiful items from Chanel and Dior  for example ,   and also some great basics , like dresses and...
Lumière dans la rue (75018)

" Lumière dans la rue " is a solidarity shop that was opened in early 2011 by the association of the same name. The association " Lumière dans...
La montre du marais (75004)

My Time (Rue Sainte Croix de la... (75004)

Italian and French original adoption , the founder of the shop looked at the world of watches and jewelry for men ,...
Pour Vos Beaux Yeux (75002)

Charles Mosa , vintage optician whose first store was a hit in Nice opened a new space in Paris , Passage du Grand Cerf ,...
My Time (Rue Saint Jacques) (75005)

Italian and French original adoption , the founder of the shop looked at the world of watches and jewelry male , and...
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